
Do what is right, not what is easy

"They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same." - Kurt Cobain

There are A LOT of blogz out there that cover each and every opinion available on all facets of design, branding, and marketing. Some are very well done and there is great content available all over the internet. However, our goal is to sink our teeth into the meaty topics that others avoid. We're committed to tearing into the unfiltered realities and perspectives behind these same topics. Where do we get our ideas? Simple. We get them from the questions and conversations that come directly from our loyal customers and brand lovers. Once we pick up the scent on a trending topic, our ears perk up and we're on the hunt for the answers you need!

Person watching surreal scene with clocks and tidal wave, fantasy concept art.

6 Critical SEO Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

As digital landscapes shift and search engine algorithms change, a myriad of SEO strategies have emerged. Some have stood the test of time, becoming pillars of digital marketing, while others ...
Be distinctive

Crafting Distinctive Brand Identities

In the multifaceted world of business, creativity is king. A strong brand identity is crucial in distinguishing your business from others. But what is a brand identity, and how can ...
Customer service

Elevate Experiences: The Power of Personalized Customer Service

The modern market is marked by unprecedented competition. Every business strategy deployed and every step taken is meant to establish a significant competitive advantage. Amidst all these, gaining and maintaining ...
Strong Brand Identity: What make you unique

Unlocking Business Success: The Power of Branding

Have you ever wondered why some businesses thrive while others struggle? Or why are some brands globally recognized while others vanish into obscurity? The power lies in branding. Strategic, effective ...
Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Omni-Channel Customer Experience: 5 Inspiring Examples

In this digital age, businesses can no longer afford to have a one-sided conversation with their customers. Today's consumers are everywhere—browsing online stores, posting on social media, and shopping in ...
Brand Buidling Strategies

Purpose-Driven Marketing & Mission-Driven Marketing: How To Do Them Right?

Have you ever heard of the coffee company "GreenBeans?" Their mission was clear from the beginning: to protect the environment while providing consumers with the best cup of coffee. They ...
A smiling woman satisfied with a service

What Is an Optimized Customer Experience & How to Master It?

Imagine a clothing shop selling trendy and affordable items for men and women, but the store is often dirty, and the staff can be unfriendly sometimes. Even if their products ...
Brand storytelling in progress

How to Create Your Successful Brand Narrative (with Powerful Examples of Brand Storytelling to Inspire You)

Storytelling interests people. In fact, we often empathize with the characters we encounter in stories and somehow feel a connection. That's why many brands use this marketing strategy to make ...
Customer journey map

7 Ways To Deliver A Highly Personalized E-Commerce Customer Journey

Out of 7.9 billion people worldwide, statistics show that 2.14 billion or 27% of these people shop online. This is even expected to grow with how the internet easily allows ...